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How to create a promo voucher

A promo voucher can be added to an order basket before checking out to provide a promotional discount.

Firstly, you will need to make sure this feature is enabled.

Go to Settings > Feature choices and tick the Dashboard - Settings - Financial - Promo Vouchers box and Update settings.

Then go to Settings > Financial > Promo vouchers > Add promo voucher.

You then need to input information on the following:

Campaign name 
Campaign quantity - if this voucher is part of a promotional campaign enter the number of vouchers within the campaign. This voucher will then be duplicated this many times with a unique code for each voucher. If you wish to have a generic code (e.g. AQUA50), then this must be left blank.
Code - this is the code the customer will enter to redeem the voucher.
Amount - the amount that will be discounted from the total amount. If you are using the promo voucher to take an amount off of the order/item, leave the Percentage field blank.
Percentage  - the percentage that will be discounted from the total amount. If you are using the promo voucher to take a percentage off of the order/item, leave the Amount field blank.
Single use - choose whether this voucher is used once or multiple times. If you are using a generic code that many customer will be able to use (e.g. sending it out via a flyer), ensure this is set to No.
Single use per customer - choose whether this voucher can be used once per customer. This can be used to ensure a customer cannot repeatedly use a generic code.
Single use application rule - choose whether this voucher applies to one booking or all bookings in the order basket. This option is only releveant if the voucher is set to single use.
Start date - the date when the voucher will be valid from.
End date - the time when the voucher will expire.
Use date - choose whether this voucher valid for the date of the booking or when the booking is ordered.
Price look-up code - enter the price look-up code for each item that can be purchased and transferred to an external till.
Department code - a department code can be used to classify this activity within a third party financial system.
Tax code - if applicable specify the tax rate for this activity.
Account code - an account code can be assigned to allow a payment gateway to assign an order to an appropriate bank account.

Next select what activities the promo voucher is available for under the Activity availability heading.

Click Update voucher. 

Finally, go to Settings > Financial > Payment options. 

Scroll down to Voucher and make this available to customers and operators.

Then click Update payment options.