Support Knowledge Base


Release note 111

Release date: 31st May 2017

We’ve updated Sports Booker with some new features and bug fixes discovered through our support forum.
This is an update to the dashboard, the new public website and the booking website. The release includes the following additions and fixes;

Dashboard updates

  1. Added a keyword search to the booking list.
  2. Update to activity view display options to hide the view category if this feature is not enabled.
  3. Added the option to email existing gift vouchers to customers.
  4. Update to email attendees list to only show one row per customer rather than one row per booking.
  5. Update to the payment analysis report to allow sorting by columns.
  6. Update to memberships to only show related price bands that are live or already selected.
  7. Update to the reports section to only display reports available to operators at the viewer user level.
  8. Added a gift voucher redemption report. 
  9. Added a promotional voucher redemption report.
  10. Update to promotional vouchers to allow a campaign to be added that automatically generates duplicate vouchers for the campaign.
  11. Update to promotional vouchers to list these by promotional campaign name.
  12. Added the option to schedule an activity or an event from the calendar of a time-based activity.
  13. Update to gift vouchers to amend the labels on the add page to emphasise the options to either add a gift voucher free of charge or add the gift voucher to the checkout process.
  14. Update to boarding pass admissions to hide the attendance list for sessions that are in the past.
  15. Update to boarding pass admissions to allow operators to change the attendees listed against each booking.
  16. Update to the checkout to hide the non-mandatory address fields for WorldPay payments.
  17. Fix to the count displayed at the foot of the calendar to exclude bookings for sessions that have been cancelled.
  18. Update to the keyword search option to remove any spaces at the start or end of the keywords.

Public website updates

  1. Fix to price band booking rules when an active date is not used to display availability in the following year.
  2. Update to my bookings to list each booking and clarify how you cancel a booking.
  3. Update to disclaimer activities to skip the attendee selection for reservations.
  4. Added a complete disclaimers button to take the customer to the booking website where attendees are registered if the attendee feature is active.
  5. Update to the voucher redemption process to display detailed feedback as to the reason a voucher has been rejected.
  6. Update to the gift voucher and promotional voucher entry fields have been combined to reduce the number of items on display.
  7. Added the option to display additional information above the list of available booking times.
  8. Update to reward vouchers to provide vouchers when a payment is made for an unpaid booking as well as a payment received at the point of order.

Booking website updates

  1. Added option to display a back to my bookings button to take the customer back to the public website.
  2. Update to the attendee disclaimer process to ignore any data entered until the disclaimer is completed.
  3. Update to the group leader selection options to remove attendees who have not completed disclaimers.

General updates

  1. Added a new message to accompany reward gift vouchers.
  2. Update to customer registration to remove the old automatic email sent to the registration email address which had previously been replaced by the option to receive a copy email from the registration messaging email.
  3. Update to the layout of group leader ticket receipts to emphasise the process for adding attendees and disclaimers.