Support Knowledge Base


Release note 101

Release date: 10th January 2017

We’ve updated Sports Booker with some new features and bug fixes discovered through our support forum.
This is an update to the dashboard, the new public website and the older calendar website. The release includes the following additions and fixes;

Dashboard updates

  1. Change to the limit of individual sessions added to order basket per booking from 200 to 1000.
  2. Added system administration and admissions pages to the database to enable sub menu highlighting when page active.
  3. Removing redundant system administration menu pages and consolidated into a single menu page to enable sub menu highlighting when page active.
  4. Added admission menu page to enable sub menu highlighting when page active.
  5. Fix to the attendance course register to display attendees correctly if the attendee has cancelled the first of multiple session courses.
  6. Added membership level to the calendar session attendance list.
  7. Fix to the cost of items added to the order basket to ensure the cost per session is a round number of pence and no fractions remain to avoid rounding errors.
  8. Update to hide advanced activity settings by default and categorise those features.
  9. Update to hide advanced event settings by default and categorise those features.
  10. Update to hide advanced course settings by default and categorise those features.
  11. Update to hide advanced substitute activity settings by default and categorise those features.
  12. Update to hide advanced resource settings by default and categorise those features.
  13. Update to hide advanced public activity view settings by default and categorise those features.
  14. Fix to updating the expiration date of a booking reservation to also change the date of dependent session bookings.
  15. Added activity option to bookings page filters.
  16. Added activity option to customer bookings page filters.
  17. Added summary total option to customer bookings page filters to show the totals for each numeric column.
  18. Updated bookings menu page to enable sub menu highlighting when page active.
  19. Updated reports menu page to enable sub menu highlighting when page active.
  20. Updated settings menu page to enable sub menu highlighting when page active.
  21. Updated customers menu page to enable sub menu highlighting when page active.

Public website updates

  1. Fix to reservation payments to also change the status of dependent areas and session bookings when a booking is paid.
  2. Added a block on customers adding duplicate payments to the order basket for the same booking.
  3. Fix to prevent the possibility of a customer skipping the booking questions when making a booking by manipulating the navigation and order process.
  4. Fix to venue week view to not hide a time in the calendar when all weekdays no longer have that time available.
  5. Fix to allow reservations to be confirmed on checkout without the on account payment option being enabled.

Calendar website updates

  1. Fix to prevent duplicate course session bookings being added to the order basket incorrectly when specific settings are enforced for whole course group bookings.

General updates

  1. Fix to set the cost of optional extras to the cost of a single area when adding these to a booking for multiple areas within a venue.
  2. Fix to include booking status (paid/unpaid) to the archive process when a booking is cancelled.
  3. Removal of parachute incident records and reports due to redundancy of this process.