Support Knowledge Base


Linking GoCardless to Sports Booker

In order to take Direct debits via GoCardless you first have to create a GoCardless account. This can be done on their website here:

Once you have an account you will need to link it to your Sports Booker using the following process:

  1. Within the goCardless dashboard, go to "Developers", and within Sports Booker go to Settings > Financial > Payment options > Click on GoCardless (if you cannot see that option please contact support).
  2. Create an Access Token. Give it the name "Sports Booker" to identify it, and click read-write access otherwise you will not be able to process refunds directly through Sports Booker. It will tell you the token text, copy this text into the Access Token section of Sports Booker as navigated to above.
  3. Then go to create Webhook endpoint. Give it the name "Sports Booker" to identify it, copy the webhook URL from Sports Booker and enter a secret which can be any text. 
  4. Finally enter the 'secret' text into the field in Sports Booker, and click Update payment settings.

Once you have done that you will be setup to take direct debits through GoCardless.