Support Knowledge Base


Operators and Administrators User Levels

Administrator user levels:


1. Administrator

   - Full access to all aspects of the dashboard.

   - Can make changes to the system settings.

   - Customizes activities and performs other administrative tasks.


2. Activity Administrator

   - Access limited to their designated activities and calendar areas.

   - Can make bookings and cancel bookings.

   - Access to the calendar, customer accounts, profiles, bookings, and notes sections.

   - Cannot access financials or reports.

   - Can manage their own created activities and schedules.


3. Operator

   - Cannot change site settings.

   - Limited access to view reports.

   - Able to access the calendar.

   - Can make bookings, cancel bookings, and manage bookings.

   - Access to customer financials and memberships.

   - Access to the notes and support section.


4. Reporter

   - Only able to access reports and the notes section.


5. Resource Viewer

   - Access limited to designated resources/areas on the calendar.

   - Can view customers who made bookings for those resources/areas.


6. Till Operator

   - Able to access the 'Till and Admit' section.

   - Access to the calendar for making and cancelling bookings.

   - Can access customer information but cannot modify data or membership settings.

   - No access to the settings tab.


7. Viewer

   - Can access the calendar.

   - Can view customer information and reports.

   - Cannot update any records.


8. Venue Viewer

   - Access limited to their designated venues on the calendar.

   - Can view customers who made bookings in those venues