Support Knowledge Base


Can I restrict access for other operators on the system?

Yes, you can restrict access in a range of different ways. 

1. Go to Settings > Operators & administrators.

2. Click on the red display name of an operator to open up their profile. 

3. Click the User level drop-down and change accordingly.

Note: An operator cannot change site settings and may not be able view reports. A viewer can access customer information, but cannot update any records. Administrators are able to manage more advanced settings on the site. Till operators are able to make bookings, but cannot update customers, make financial changes or cancel bookings.

4. You can also prevent an operator from logging in altogether by channging the Disabled box to Yes

5. Once you have finished, click Update operator

You can further configure the general functionality of an operator by going to Settings > Operators & administrators and changing the Global operator settings at the bottom of the page. If you change any of these, click Update settings