How to schedule automated messages after a customer has attended a booking
1. Go to Settings > Messaging.
2. Tick the Booking complete message.
3. Set this message to Yes for Send e-mail and/or Send copy-email by using the Actions drop-box at the bottom of the page.
4. Click Apply and then click Update settings.
5. Following this, you will need to create the activity message itself. Go to Settings > Messaging > Activity Messages > Add an activity message. If this option does not appear go to Settings > Feature choices > tick Dashboard - Settings - Messaging - Activity messages.
6. Enter a subject and edit the text of both the HTML and plain text message boxes.
7. You will also need to configure the following settings:
Scheduled time - choose when the message is sent following the start of the session.
Activity - this message will only be sent to bookings for this activity.
Send to - the message will be sent to the attendees or the customer who made the booking.
8. Set the Live box to Yes.
9. Click Update activity message.
Note: Activity messages will only be sent to customers or attendees who have agreed to recieve marketing information from your company. It is also possible to send out promo vouchers automatically within these emails. To find out more follow this link: