How to add a new membership
1. Go to Settings > Memberships > Add Membership.
You then need to enter information on the following, some settings affect the membership itself, others affect what/when/how the customers on this membership can book:
Frequency of payment - this is the frequency at which payments will be debited if the membership is being paid by subscription.
Number of payments - this is the number of payments that will be debited when the membership is being paid by subscription. Only direct debit payments can be set to have 1 - 12 payments. All other payment methods only allow one off payment or infinite payments (until the subscription is cancelled).
Subscription amount - this is the subscription fee to renew membership on each anniversary.
Credit amount - this is the amount of credit that will be applied to the customer account each time the membership is renewed or a subscription paid.
Joining fee (optional) - this is the fee paid when beginning membership.
Late payment fee - this can be charged when generating manual direct debits.
Absentee fee - This fee will be added to any booking that the customer failed to attend as a supplement and require the fee to be paid.
Send renewal notification e-mail - this will send an e-mail to members who are due to renew within a week or a month of their expiry date.
Disable pay later for operators - prevent operators from selecting pay later as the payment method for a booking.
Members can be selected as opponents - if this option is selected then this will allow customers with this membership to be selected as opponents.
Disable booking for expired memberships - prevent customers from making bookings after their renewal date has expired.
Membership date booking restriction - prevent customers from making bookings beyond their renewal date.
Allow joined date to be selected - Allow customers to selected the date when their membership commences when purchasing a membership. Unless the customer is restricted to book during their membership term the customer may be able to book an activity before their membership commences.
Allow to be purchased - enable a customer to upgrade and purchase this membership via a payment gateway.
Allow to be renewed - enable a customer to renew this membership via a payment gateway.
Off peak only - a customer can only make a booking during off peak times.
Automatic booking activity - A booking will automatcially be made for this activity if it is available for the duration of the membership. The membership will be unavailable to purchase if there is no availability for any of the scheduled resources linked to this activity.
Related price band - the price band the customer will be moved to if they purchase this membership.
Display on the customer home page - Display a button to purchase the membership on the customer website after the customer has logged in. if this is turned on for any memberships you wish to sell, you do not need "Display membership purchase option on the customer welcome page" turned on.
Price look-up code - enter the price look-up code for each item that can be purchased and transferred to an external till.
Department code - a department code can be used to classify this activity within a third party financial system.
Tax code - if applicable specify the tax rate for this activity.
Account code - an account code can be assigned to allow a payment gateway to assign an order to an appropriate bank account
Live - this will make the membership level available to use.
2. You then need to decide what categories, resources and packages are available to this membership type by setting the appropriate boxes to Yes.
3. Click Update membership.