Support Knowledge Base


How do I fix my MemberChecker scanner

If your scanner is not functioning and you are confident that you have followed the procedure to ensure you have the correct Com port settings, then trying the following could resolve the issue:

 Hardware setting on the scanner may be incorrect, these should match the settings on the settings page, by default the settings for the scanner should be Speed: 9600, Parity: None, 16 Data Bits:8 and Stop Bits:1. The settings on most scanners can be changed by scanning a series of barcode in the operator’s manual, please refer to this to reset the scanner to the correct settings.

 A useful piece of software to test the scanner is Device Monitoring Studio by HHD Software a 30 day free try is available from, please refer to the help manual to see how to use this software but creating a session on this software can let you know if the scanner is sending the computer the required data.