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What customer settings can I change?

1. Go to Settings > Customers.

There are a range of general settings that can be adjusted here:

Login session timeout - the number of minutes a user can remain idle before their session is logged out.
Enforce mandatory data entry - force customers to enter mandatory user details when they login if the information is missing.
Membership number label 
Membership reference label 

Allow membership reference login - allow customers to login using their membership reference, email address or login username.
Enable barcode reader - enable the selection of a customer by their barcode when adding a new customer booking.
Logged out message - this text will appear on the calendar popup when a customer is not logged in.

There are also further customer registration settings you can change.

2. Go to Settings > Customers > Registration settings

Disable registration - remove the ability to register as a new user
Disable e-mail validation - skip the e-mail validation step on registration.
Marketing consent question label - If you enter any text this will replace the default question relating to the customer opting in to receive marketing information and communications from your organisation.
Registration page message - this text will appear at the top of the registration page before the member registers.
Default renewal date - if the date is left blank the default renewal date will be the date of registration.
Registration complete message - this text will also be added to the e-mail that is sent automatically to any new member who registers.
Automatic validation - if checked new customers are automatically approved, and allowed to book on the system, they will be set to price band 1, which is as a Guest.
Allow debtor bookings default - automatically lets new members book on account, a good tool when introducing the system to a club, is to allow debtor bookings, with auto registration, but set a credit limit so that your members can instantly book and pay later. After a while you can remove the debtor bookings and enforce any debt collection.
Membership and registration recipient email address - the email address entered here will receive an e-mail notification of all new registrations.
Upload terms and conditions - this is where you upload your organisations rules and regulations. Customers are prohibited from booking without accepting these rules.