Support Knowledge Base


How to delete a customer from the database

An audit trail of your customer needs to be left in place, therfore customers cannot be completely removed from the system. They can however be hidden from view and their details removed. 

1. Go to the Customers section at the top of the dashboard.

2. Search for the customer(s) and tick them using the tick selector on the left-hand side of the page.

3. Scroll down to the Actions drop-box and choose the Disable customers option and click Apply

4. Tick the same customers again (you may need to filter to include showing disabled customers) and select the Redact data protection details option from the Actions drop-box. Then click Apply

5. Click the Filters button.

6. Change the Disabled option to No and click Apply filters.

Your customer database will now only show customer accounts that have not been disabled. The data protection details of those customers will also have been removed.