Where can I change my booking receipt options?
1. Go to Settings > Bookings > Booking receipt options.
You can then make changes to the following settings:
Send booking e-mail confirmation - send the e-mail booking confirmation automatically when the customer is presented with the booking confirmation.
Copy booking email address - this email address will receive a copy of all order confirmation receipts.
Add booking receipt (pdf) - add a PDF attachment to the booking e-mail receipt.
Add barcode to booking receipt - add a barcode to the booking e-mail receipt.
Add quick response code to booking receipt - add a QR code to the booking e-mail receipt.
Upload receipt logo (jpg) (maximum 3:1 width to height ratio) - this image will appear at the top of the PDF receipt.
Upload booking document (pdf) - this PDF document will be attached to the booking confirmation e-mail.
Booking ticket warning message - if this option is left blank then the default message will be used.
Booking document terms and conditions
2. Once you have finished, click Update details at the bottom of the page.