Support Knowledge Base


How to enable repeat bookings

1. Go to Settings > Bookings > Booking features.

2. Set the Allow repeat bookings option to Yes and click Update details. 

3. Then go to Settings > Activties and locate the activity you wish to enable repeat bookings for (Click on the activity itself to open up the activity details).

4. Scroll down the page and click on the Additional booking settings green cross symbol.

5. You can then decide whether you want to Enable repeat bookings for operators and whether you want to Enable repeat bookings for customers for this particular activity. 

6. Once you have selected Yes or No for these two options, click Update activity at the bottom of the page. 


Depending on the settings you have chosen operators or customers will now get the following options when making a booking for this activity:

Repeat this booking to this date - this will set the number of whole weeks that the session will be repeated for and change the value below.
Number of weeks to repeat this booking for - repeat this session on the following days this week (over the next seven days) by the number of weeks entered. For example, if the booking day is Tuesday and you click on Tuesday, Friday and enter the one week - a booking will also be made for Friday and the following Tuesday. The maximum amount of time a booking can be repeated for is 156 weeks. 
Repeat booking frequency - repeat this session either weekly or by the number of weeks selected.
Book any available sessions - this will add any available sessions for the days and weeks selected to the order basket, and skip those that have no availability.
Choose the days to repeat on - select the days of the week you want to repeat this booking for