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How to set multi-person activities to mandatory exclusivity

Example: If you have an activity such as bowling which has a capacity of 8 customers, 3 people may group book together, leaving 5 spaces open. As the activity is not exclusive that would allow up to another 5 people to book that same bowling lane and share it with the original 3 who had previously booked.

You can configure your multi-person activities so that once the first booking has been made, no other customer can book on to it. In terms of the example above, once the first 3 customers made a group booking together, this bowling lane would not be available for other customers to book on to. 

1. Go to Settings > Activities > Multi-person activities.

2. Click on and open up the activity you would like to enable this feature for.

3. Scroll down and click on the Reservations and exclusivity green cross symbol. 

4. Change the Mandatory exclusive bookings setting to Yes.

5. Click Update activity at the bottom of the page.