Support Knowledge Base


How to enable booking questions

Booking questions can be used to gather extra information from your customers at the point of booking and can be a useful way to cut down on admin work. 

Example: Do you require use of the nets? (Yes/No).

1. Go to Settings > Features choices. Tick the Dashboard - Settings - Activities - Bookings questions box and click Update settings at the bottom of the page..

2. Then go to Settings > Activities > Booking questions > Add question.

3. You will then need to enter the following details: 

Mandatory - This question must be answered and cannot be left blank if this setting is turned on.
Disable customer entry - This will hide this question from customers when they are making a booking.
Order - The questions will be listed this order and then by name, starting from zero.

4. Click Update question. 

5. You will then need to choose which activity you would like to add this particular question to.
Go to Settings > Activities and open up the specific activity you are looking to add a question to. 
Scroll down to the Booking questions green cross symbol at the bottom of the page and select which questions you would like to enable for this activity.

6. Finally, click Update activity