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How to change the reservation and exclusivity settings of an activity

Reservations can be used when you wish for a customer to book for free in the first instance, and then pay in full prior to the activity taking place. If the customer does not pay in full by the date you set, their booking will be cancelled. 

1. Go to Settings > Activities and find the activity you are looking to change the reservation settings of.

2. Click on the activity and scroll down to the Reservations and exclusivity green cross symbol. 

Alternatively, you can find this option when you add a new activity.

You can then change the following settings:

Allow booking reservations - allow customers to reserve a booking free of charge. The reservation will be automatically cancelled if the booking remains unpaid.
Days until reservation cancelled - select the number of days until (after being made) an unpaid reservation is automatically cancelled.
Days before reservation cancelled - select the number of days before the booking commences when an unpaid reservation is automatically cancelled.
Reservation notice period - select the number of days before a booking that a reservation can be made by a customer.
Allow exclusive bookings - this will allow this activity to be booked exclusively by the first person to make a booking. If any previous bookings have been made for a session it will not be available exclusively.
Exclusive bookings require confirmation - this will require exclusive bookings to be booked by an operator or a customer booking to be confirmed by an operator. All exclusive customer bookings will be reserved for the number of hours set for reservations. If an exclusive customer booking is not confirmed by an operator it will be automatically cancelled.

3. Then click Update activity.