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How to add a substitute activity

Substitute activites refer to the different activities that can take place within a time-based area and there may be different costs or area useages associated with these activities. 

Example: You have a time-based activity such as sports hall hire. However, there are different activites which can run within this hire such as badminton, tennis, football. Each of these activities can have different costs and take up varying areas within the sports hall (ranging from 1-4 courts). 

1. Go to Settings > Activities > Activities (time-based) > Substitute activity > Add substitute activity

You can then adjust the following settings:

Name - This name is shown in all locations except on the calendar.
Display name - This name is displayed on the booking.
Areas occupied - The number of areas within a venue that this activity will occupy. This setting should remain at one if you do not have any venues configured.
Enable area restriction - This will restrict the use of this activity to the number of areas specified within a venue. If this is not selected then the activity can be chosen for a booking across any number of areas with a venue.
Bookable area restrictions - Enter each position that this activity can be booked within this venue, separated by a comma. For example '1,3' in a four section sports hall where there are two courts that occupy poitions 1 and 2 or 3 and 4. Therefore a booking can only be initiated from areas 1 or 3. If this option is left empty the activity can be placed in any position within the venue. This would be used in cases where certain areas within your venues are setup in ways others are not, e.g. which are able to have nets put up.
Maximum consecutive sessions - The number of consecutive sessions that may be booked and for which a price is available.
Price look-up code - Enter the price look-up code for each item that can be purchased and transferred to an external till.
Department code - A department code can be used to classify this activity within a third party financial system.
Tax code - If applicable specify the tax rate for this activity.
Linear pricing - The activity pricing increases sequentially when more than one consecutive session is booked. You must add a price for one session and select the maximum number of sessions that can be booked. If this option is selected any existing prices will be reset based on the price for one session booked up to and including the maximum number of consecutive sessions.
Fixed pricing - The activity price will remain the same no matter how many consecutive sessions are booked. You must add a price for one session and select the maximum number of sessions that can be booked. If this option is selected any existing prices will be reset based on the price for one session booked up to and including the maximum number of consecutive sessions.
Dashboard only - This will make the substitute activity available to operators and administrators only.

2. Once you have entered all the relevant details, click Update substitute activity.

3. Go to Settings > Activities > Activities (time-based) and click on the activity you want to add a substitute activity to. 

4. Scroll down and click on the Substitute activity availability green cross symbol and select the activities you want to allow this for. Then click Update activity.

5. Go to Settings > Bookings and scroll down to the Booking features heading

6. Change the Substitute activities must be selected setting to Yes and click Update settings at the bottom of the page.