Support Knowledge Base


Setting up the Sports Booker App

There are a number of steps to get you live on the Sports Booker App.


  1. Turn on Public Website Categories in Settings > Feature Choices > Dashboard - Settings - Public website - Categories.
  2. Set up any activity views categories as needed, they should have a description, and image with 16:9 aspect ratio and max 1920 x 1080 resolution PNG file.
  3. Set up any activity views as needed (you may already have these set up), ensure they are in a category, they should have a description, and image with 16:9 aspect ratio and max 1920 x 1080 resolution PNG file.
  4. Ensure you have a site logo set (Dashboard - Settings - Public website - Style editor).

These are all of the steps that need to be taken by yourself in the setup process. Once these are done, you can contact your account manager, who can provide further details regarding putting you live on the app. Currently this must be enabled by ourselves.

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